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파일관리자 Q-dir 다운로드 - 홈페이지 링크(http://www.softwareok.com/)

by 통합메일 2020. 12. 7.

Q-Dir 9.03 Really good quad explorer 4 files and folders

Q-Dir the Quad Explorer for Microsoft's Windows Desktop and Server! Update on: 30 November 2020Suitable for : Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Server 2012-2019, x64, x32, x86 The Quad-Directory-Explorer makes your files and folders easy to ma


아 Q-dir이라는데 Quad - Directory - Explorer라는 뜻이었군요.



Q-Dir 9.03 Download - The Quad Explorer

   Download Q-Dir - The Quad-Explorer 9.03 for Microsoft Windows OS on SoftwareOK.com Even if the virus protection is not 100% guaranteed, the virus and trojan protection is very important for you Network and Computers! Virus Scan Results on VirusTotal.c


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